Monday, February 18, 2013

What Women Want...

"Most men don't know that 70% of

network marketing is women..."

If you want to make more money in

this industry, you will need to know...

On the flip side of that, women want

to know HOW to attract an 'Alpha

Male' into their business.  

Come join the conversation as we 

discuss it.  

Watch the short and entertaining 

video, read the post, and leave me 

your thoughts.

When you are done going through that,

pop on the phone with us tonight:


Tonight, Monday 9pm EST:

Dial In: 1(712)-432-0900
Secret Code: 260326#

NOT in the United States?

Skype Dial in: add, freeconferencing.0900
as a contact on skype.

Dial in for free as if you are making a
skype call(same secret code).


LINES PACK OUT.  Every week, 

thousands try to get on, and only about 

1000 can, so be sure to show up a few 

minutes early.  

Then dial into the number above for some

free training tonight.

We'll talk soon,

Kjell Andreassen, Nordic

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