More than 12 million Americans are
jobless and 40% of these individuals
have been out of work for more than
six months.
Overall the U.S. economy may be
improving but many Americans
still cannot find a job.
This trend will only continue in the
foreseeable future says James Altucher,
managing director of Formula Capital,
an asset management firm.
The author and venture capitalist tells
The Daily Ticker's Aaron Task that the
U.S. is moving toward an...
..."Employee-less society."
"If you're just sitting still, shuffling paper,
they're going to fire you," he argues.
"Cubicles have become commodities...
You're like the
walking dead if you have a job."
And find out the top 10 reasons why workers
should give their two-week notice A.S.A.P.
Now for the GOOD NEWS...
Opportunities for success exist
like never before.
Take for example...
has allowed us to go from broke, busted
and struggling less than 1 year ago...
To now earning over $60,000 (this month
of March) "part time" from the luxury of
our home.
(this link has a discount -
only $25 to start)
We can be speaking as soon as you get
your Basic Membership and go through
the same fast start videos that we did.
We're going to be your coaches and
mentors, so get in (ALL IN) and let's
get YOU to whatever level of success
that YOU are looking for.
If you're going to be one of
our next success stories...
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