Tuesday, April 09, 2013

[video] Deleting false reasons why not.

What's the truth about.... you?

Are you 'one with the universe' as the buddhists say?

Or maybe a 'child of God' as the Christians say?

Maybe both?

Or maybe... your someone who just succeeds 
all the time, and you live a life...

...that's magical.

I don't know who you are, but there's one thing
that I DO KNOW.

You are KNOT your reasons 'why not'.

I was talking to a friend the other day, and
he says:

"David... I WOOD focus, but I'm bipolar."

To which I responded:

"According to who?"


A rising and falling of different emotional 
states, combined with the sudden desire...
by now realizing that 'Google' can be 
your own psychologist... and wham.

A 'google search' defines who you are.

There's a funky thing the mine does when
presented with something it believes to be
true.  It's called a:

Transderivational search.

Basically, if you believe that you're bipolar,
your mind is going to be constantly looking
for examples and proof of why your such
a weanie bag.

So to my friend, I told him, since he's so
good at making up all kinds of 'scientific
diagnonsense' explaining why he can't - 
I asked the question:

"What would happen if you diagnosed yourself
with the 'success disease' instead?"

To which he responded "What's that"

"It's just like Bipolar, but instead of being 
easy to hate yourself, it's easy to get money,
be sexy, look great, and feel good, instead"

I call it 'success-with-ease' and it happens in
the elimination of believing that you're a
profit, casting 'not money' into your future.

-David Wood
"I mis-spel tings on purpuse"

And that only proves that your unconscious
mine can prove whatever it wants, so 
by now can you get money now today?

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