Wednesday, April 24, 2013

He Forced Me To Yawn... (true story)

Most people don't believe that your
mind can be controlled through words,
until you have something mysterious
happen to you, like the color red becoming
brighter from a blog post (click here) or
you see a video, and off the cuff, the
presenter gets you to pull out your
credit card, and buy...

If you have seen it all the way through,
you may have had a feeling, maybe
early on - maybe later, where you just
know that you're in the right place, at
the right time...

...have you ever had that happen?
Today I have a blog post - and a special
assignment for you.

First, I want you to read a story - and
pay close attention to what I'm saying
as you do.

Now, you may not yawn as you read
that post, and you may not even see
the color red growing brighter, as you
do - and that's ok with me.

If you pay close attention as you read,
you're going to notice what I'm really
after, which is something that can
revolutionize your life in a moment,
with a decision - that's only a few
seconds a way...
If you see it...
You'll know what I mean.

Second, I have an assignment for you.
I want you to watch a video.

Now, you may have seen it - you may
not have watched it all the way through.

It's only about 30 minutes - and what
you're going to do, is watch it all the way
through, focusing all of your attention
on my voice.

Don't take notes, or try too hard - just
listen, and watch with your door shut,
so you can pay attention, and focus.

As you watch the video - relax, and
pay attention to how you feel.
Allow your mind to absorb what I'm
saying, and why - and ask yourself if
you've ever felt like that in the past.

Can you do that?

So again, FIRST - read this blog post now.
Sometimes, people don't want to watch
sales videos. They want to just get
training, for free.

The truth is - if you want to learn how to
influence people - if you want to be able
to influence thousands - or hundreds of
thousands of people, you've got to be ok
with two things:

1. You've got to LOVE watching, and
experiencing the process of persuasion,
and the most persuasive people in the
world are marketers.

If you don't love watching sales videos,
you'll never be able to sell.
Start to love it. and LISTEN.

2. You've got to love experiencing the
process of buying, and find joy in it.

If you love the process of deciding to
buy, and experience it often, you'll
be able to help other people relax as
they make a decision to buy.

Just like he forced me to yawn (click here),
every word that you speak has an
affect on the minds of your prospects.
Unconsciously, you'll convey your
beliefs, without even being aware as
you do.

You've got to be ok with buying, and
you've got to love being sold, because
if you don't love buying stuff - you won't
be able to get the results that you want,
and it doesn't matter what your business
is, or if you're getting 100% commissions,
or weanie little, itsy bitsy commissions
like I used to get, before I saw this.

and allow yourself to relax, and take it all
in, and experience the process of buying.

The experience will not make you rich
instantly, and it won't give you the missing
key to your business.

It won't be the easiest thing that you've ever
done in your life to have a breakthrough right
now - it will just be worth it.

There's NOTHING more powerful that you
can do in your life, right now, than to let go
of your resistance to buying, and make a
decision to experience it now.

If you've been on the fence with working
with me, and you haven't made a decision
to get in, that's ok.
Some people don't make decisions instantly,
they need to know that it's the right thing to
do. They need to feel it, and see it, and
experience it.

(you'll be joining my personal team as
you take action, knowing that you're in
the right place, at the right time - with
the right group of people.

Kjell, Nordic

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