Thursday, April 11, 2013

(story inside) "Frugal Asian Man Makes $98,776 in 15 Days..."

A little over 12 months ago....

...I was gathered round late at night
in Costa Rica, with a small, private

...among the great minds therewas
a frugal Asian man - who despite his
best Kung Fu, was unable to defeat
the obstacle of a measly $10,000

Laughing hysterically at the 'puny'
goal of $10,000 a month, I had a
conversation with this Asian man,
and yet still, he didn't believe...

...until 3 months later, when he had
his FIRST $39,000 month.

Today, I logged in - yet again, and 
hit the 'refresh' button, and noticed, 
that from October 1st, until now
(15 days) this reserved, laid off
Asian man has made $98,776 in

...2 weeks.

Imagine for a second, your previous 
annual income - in 2 weeks, directly
depositing into your bank account...


-David Wood
"Just another homeless guy..."

DISCLAIMER:  Lawrence Tam's story
is extraordinary.  Because he's made gobs
of money, doesn't mean that you will, too.

We don't guarantee income of any kind.

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