Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NEW VIDEO: Hypnotic Story Magic... Can Your Selling Be 'Enchanted?'

The founder of Empower Network sent me this
message, and I want to share it with you:

Enchanted selling?

I remember when I was a child, how I was fascinated
by magical stories.

One of my favorite movies was Star Wars - the way
that the Jedi masters could wave a hand, and an enemy
would turn into a friend...

...I was fascinated by people you like, Tony Robbins,
and how no matter what he said - I just want to smile.

However, I felt like there was a missing key, to becoming
powerful, and magical in my life.

I remember listening to a story in 2004, of a man who
struggled in a business for 20 years... and then, one day,
he felt like his life was taken over by a 'supernatural' 
power, and all of a sudden, his business started to 


Have you ever had an experience, where you were in
the right place, with the right people, at the right time?

When your life seemed to be guided by an unseen hand?

When the universe seemed to align in your favor, to 
give you everything you've ever wanted, and more?

As you watch that videoyou'll notice something interesting.

Something interesting that begins to happen to youas you watch.

I won't tell you what it is - you'll have to watch the video,
and notice it for yourself.

Maybe even, you're starting to experience it now.

I'll tell you this much - pay attention.

Pay attention to the magic.

The magic inside of you.

-David Wood
"I have magical powers..."

...and you may realize that by now.

Because by now, you know that there is something special
about this time.

Right now, you realize, that by now, you should be 
experiencing the magic yourself, and if you're not...

(after you watch the video)

End of the founder’s message…

To your success,

Kjell Andreassen, Nordic

Access Your Power

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